
Ages of Cataria

Created by Third Pie Studios

Ages of Cataria is a village story sim where over real-time your villagers grow, form families, and develop your town. -Experience real-time aging where your villagers live for a month+ -Customize your town and share it with others online -Trade with other real players online -Experience immersive text-based life events that will change your villagers forever -Collect unique creatures from the magical land of Cataria *All purchases will go towards the development and improvement of Ages of Cataria

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ages of Cataria is coming to the Switch!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 12:40:35 PM

We busted through the Switch goal and now everyone will be able to choose either a Steam or Switch game key in the post-Kickstarter Surveys that will be sent out after the campaign. We are so excited to hit this goal and it’s thanks to each and every one of you!

If you’ve been waiting to pledge for us to hit this goal, now’s your chance! Please continue to share in your Discord communities and with your friends. 

There are only 3 days left!  We are Streaming from 2 PM EST on Wednesday until 10 PM EST on Twitch to celebrate our final 24 hours. Join our Discord to be notified when we go live! 

How do you like to get comfy when playing on your Switch? Let us know!

Next stop? Villager Customization($90k)! Change your villager's hair, clothing style, and choose from more clothing color options! Get your villagers to look fancy with this Strech Goal.

Wishing you the best day ever,

-Third Pie Studios

Two New Strech Goals Revealed!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 04:29:17 AM

The Switch Goal is in our sights and we’re gaining momentum so we wanted to open up two new Stretch Goal envelopes! Please continue to share with your friends and Discord communities --because of you, this game keeps growing bigger and bigger!

Villager Customization: $90k

Tired of that villager's facial hair? Now you’ll be able to adjust how your villager's hair and outfits look. Adding this customization is just the beginning: players will start out with a limited number of options but discover more as they play and as we update the game. 

Seasonal Decoration Assets: $100k
 We plan to have loads of decoration assets in the future, but with this goal, your game will start off with seasonal assets such as string lights, spiderwebs, picnic blankets, etc. Here's a sneak peek!

Are you going to have a spooky town year-round or wait until the season calls for it?

We're also live streaming tonight at 7 pm EST on Twitch. Come watch us work for the first hour creating art for Ages of Cataria and then join us if there's room for some drawing games and Among us!

You can also join our Discord if you want a reminder plus an awesome growing community to hang out with. 

Surviving the Humans

At Third Pie Studios, we are all about growth, and supporting other creatives like ourselves. That's why we take the time to shout out fellow devs such as Surprised Monkey Studio, the team behind Surviving the Humans. Take on the role of a zombie to learn their ways and customs as you navigate human assaults in this 2D point-and-click adventure game! Back them on Kickstarter today!

With love,

Third Pie Team

What will your town’s origin story be?
over 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 01:09:40 PM

We’re so close to our next Stretch Goal to have the game for the Switch.  Thank you everyone and please continue to share the game with your Discord community to spread to word! This could really give us a big boost and make sure it's allowed in whatever server you post in. We send hugs to each and every one of you for supporting us.

Now on to origin stories! 

In Ages of Cataria we want you to have the ability to feel like you are crafting your town even before you begin playing. To achieve this we are creating origins stories for players to choose from that will determine how the town’s story starts, and change some starting resources and stats a tad bit.

Here are some brief example drafts, these will be expanded upon but might give you an idea of what were going for.  

Ready for a change of pace

Certain members of a village have decided to uproot their lives and head to the new land of Cataria. A group gathers and decides they will travel together to start a new home together in Cataria.

Escaping a plague

Sickness has spread throughout the land and everyone is getting sick. Trade has fallen and the townspeople fear things will never return to normal. Hoping for a better start a group gathers together to escape possible death.

Shipwrecked traders

A trading ship is out at sea when a pirate ship suddenly attacks and boards their ship taking the crew prisoners. A few days later a major storm hits the ship tearing it to shreds in the middle of the ocean. As the storm fades people start to meet up on the beach and soon realize they’re in Cataria with no way off. Time to settle and prepare shelter.


Towns need trees and the elves understand that, however, nearby towns have repeatedly over-harvested trees leaving this town with little to collect. Fearing a lack of resources a few members of the town decide to head off to Cataria where resources are said to be abundant.

Running from the law

Running a crime syndicate isn’t easy, and life begins to weigh on the gang. After years of running from the law, they promise each other “Just one more job…”. Turns out to be a trap and to escape the gang hops on a boat in the docks and sets sail. After being at sea the gang decides it’s time to hang up this life and start anew.

Leaving tyranny

Working day and night constantly without break begins to take a toll on the villagers around town. They’d stop if it wasn’t for their stern governor watching their every move and waiting to force them to work longer or face exile. After years of this, a group of villagers accepts exile rather than more work. Where to go that won’t have some other governor telling you what to do? Cataria.

We have more planned but we want to hear from you now!
What origin story would you choose?
 Do you have an idea for a new one?

-Third Pie Studios

What do you want to see in Ages of Cataria?
over 2 years ago – Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 09:10:37 PM

We at Third Pie Studios want to develop this game alongside the community, so we’re asking:

What do you want to see in Ages of Cataria?

We have plenty of Stretch Goals we want to achieve but we want to hear from you what excites you the most. If we hear it enough we might put it in the game! We already have made changes because of listening to the community so let's keep it going! More animals, more ancestries, cosmetics? Let us know! 

Oh, and here's piggles for emotional support if you need it. 

 Also, we ask that you please share our Kickstarter with all your friends and Discord communities. Let's keep this hype train going! 

Stretch Goal Reached: Trading Animals!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 10:15:26 PM

Another stretch goal smashed! Go team! Ages of Cataria is all about your choices, and with Trading Animals, you can now choose to trade all of your building resources and food for the little duck or piggie you’ve been dreaming of 😍

What's the next goal? Nintendo Switch!

You have asked (and asked and asked) about porting to Switch, and now is our chance to have it happen! Just imagine: curled up in your favourite chair, comfy cozy, perfect temperature, the beverage of your choice sitting right nearby, deep in your villager’s story in the wilderness of Cataria… And we’re only $15k away from making it happen! If you’ve been holding out for Switch, now is the time to make your pledge, and invite your friends to pledge, too!

Pi(e) Day Contest

We are so excited to receive your submissions for #thirdpieday2022! As a reminder, you can make a pie using ANY medium – that can even include prose or musical compositions! Your pie, your choice. To enter, like and share our Pie Day Contest post on any of these socials (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTik), follow Ages of Cataria on that platform, and share your work of art with #thirdpieday2022! Submissions are open until 11:59pm on March 24th.

What goes great with Ages of Cataria? Guild of Dragons and Sons of Valhalla

Guild of Dragons is a settlement-builder with dragon taming, exploration, and conquest for PC and Mac. The Great Dragons, which upheld the balance of the world, are long gone and the whereabouts of the Dragon Mages still remain a mystery. The resulting power vacuum was filled by the cruel Drab Collective who have established a reign of fear. You are the last best hope to build a beautiful and magical world where dragons and people can thrive again! Make your pledge today!

Sons of Valhalla is a side-scrolling base-building strategy game that catapults you into the age of the Vikings. Create an army of Vikings and take them to war against England. Improve your skills and strengthen your warriors for the next battle. Build fortresses to ensure a steady flow of resources and warriors. Plunder and conquer enemy villages and castles. This campaign just started building toward stretch goals! Get it while it’s hot!

Happy Pie Day, and beyond!

With only ten days left of this incredible Kickstarter journey, we’re starting to get a lil sappy. You have all been so amazing with your questions, your suggestions, and your support! And we want to stay connect with all of you, so please join our community on your preferred social platforms. From Twitch and Discord to Instagram and Facebook, we’ve got something for everyone! Jump in and be part of the conversation.

Wishing you a tremendous week! 

-- The Third Pie Studios Team