
Ages of Cataria

Created by Third Pie Studios

Ages of Cataria is a village story sim where over real-time your villagers grow, form families, and develop your town. -Experience real-time aging where your villagers live for a month+ -Customize your town and share it with others online -Trade with other real players online -Experience immersive text-based life events that will change your villagers forever -Collect unique creatures from the magical land of Cataria *All purchases will go towards the development and improvement of Ages of Cataria

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Dev Diary #7 Animals!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 10, 2023 at 01:39:44 PM

Animals in Ages of Cataria have two categories: Fauna and Collectible animals.

Cute? Duh!

Fauna animals are defined by the fact that players can not collect the animal and will populate the forest and skies. Some of these animals might become collectible in the future. 

Collectables animals support the player in collecting resources. These animals will wander into the player’s map and be able to be collected at that point for a short period. Collectible animals have two categories Resource Producing and Resource Supporting.

  •  Resource Producing animals will produce resources by just having them in town. These are Cows, Chickens, Turtle Ducks, etc, etc.
  •  Resource Supporting will help Buildings that produce resources. For example, Pigs help Herbalists find Truffles,

All collectible animals can become Pets! A resource animal can be “Bonded” with a villager and will follow them around town. They won’t be used to collect resources anymore but will boost that villager’s overall Wellness. 

 Animal Life 

Animals will have an overall Wellness associated with the maintenance of the Barn. If you don’t have enough skilled workers there for the number of Animals that you have, then their wellness will take a hit.

Miserable😟- Shorter lifespan -75% Resource Support/Production Efficiency
Stressed😢-Shorter lifespan -25% Resource Support/Production Efficiency
Content😐- No Negative or Minus
Happy😃- Longer lifespan +20% Resource Efficiency

Animals will have a unique lifespan, but on average, they will live One-week(real world). Once an animal passes away, it will poof, and its spirit will go into the town’s spirit tree. Animals will not reproduce, meaning the players will have to collect every animal they need.

Rare Animals

Animals will come in different variations. A pink pig is classic and still cute, but what if you find a rare Orange pig? These animals will provide a slight boost to their "Common" counterpart. All animals have different rarities and can be traded on the community marketplace or kept and loved their whole life in your village.

Some animals only come in one variety called Legendary, but we will talk about those animals on another blog. 

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #6 Resources
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 03:44:09 PM

Ever built a building? Me neither, but something tells me it takes resources to make one. Expanding and upgrading your town is vital to maintaining the village’s overall Wellness, so you’ll need a consistent supply of materials to keep expanding. There are four types of resources: Construction, Rare, Catarium, and Food(talked about in Dev Diary #5).

Construction Materials

Buildings will require a combination of certain materials (who would have thought?). These materials are collected through various buildings in your town. Some villages will be better at collecting different types of resources depending on how they invest in upgrading their Resource Collection buildings. These towns might become specialized in harvesting wood but not so great at collecting stone. This is where Trading will support towns that specialize in a resource.

Wood, Stone, Iron, Copper, and Gold are considered Construction Materials. These materials are used in bulk to construct buildings and their next upgrade. These materials have three different levels:


To produce these higher-level resources, they will require lower-level resources, and players must upgrade their respective resource production building. For example, to create Refined Wood, a player will need a level 2 Lumber Yard + Raw Wood to start producing Refined Wood.

Rare Resource

Smaller upgrades require Rare Resources such as Gem Dust, Rubber, and Animal Pelt. These resources do not have different levels and are used for item creation and smaller building upgrades.

Catarium Resource

Around the map, Catarium will pop up, allowing players to click on the resource to collect it. The color of the Catarium determines how dense it is and how much you’ll collect. The level order for Catarium is Green>Blue>Purple>Orange.

Purple Catarium in the wild!

Catarium is used for crafting high-level potions (which can super boost your villager's Wellness, Productivity and maybe even slow their aging) and creating upgrades or temporary boosts to building production. You’ll also be able to use Catarium to trade for Construction Resources at the NPC Trading Town.

The next Dev blog will be posted 4/10

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #5 Kitchen, Cooking, and Meals
over 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 10:45:31 AM

Hey, Villagers! Hungry for an update? Well, we got a full-course meal for you this week. Today we will discuss the Kitchen and everything connected to its functioning in your village.


Villagers will work hard to harvest veggies and meat for their village. However, your villagers will only be able to eat veggies raw, and even that provides a debuff to their happiness. In comes the Kitchen, where you can cook food and create delicious meals for your villagers. The Kitchen will have three levels, each level providing an additional cooking slot and other bonuses.

Kitchen level 1

In the Kitchen, players must select three options before making a meal.

Recipe > Meal Size > Spices (optional)

 Recipes add variation so the villagers don’t get tired of the same meals, meal size determines how much the villagers are eating, and spices provide an extra wellness buff and are optional.


Villagers will have a “Cooking” skill associated with the Kitchen and the Tavern(we will talk more about the tavern in a future update). This skill affects how quickly one villager will prepare a single meal. The Kitchen Cooks must work hard to meet the village's meal demand.

Kitchen level 2

Cooking levels will also increase or decrease the Wellness boost to the meal depending on the level.

lvl 5 Cooking - 1 to Meal Wellness

lvl 10 Cooking + 1 to Meal Wellness

lvl 15 Cooking + 2 to Meal Wellness

lvl 20 Cooking + 3 to Meal Wellness


There will be three different levels of Meals that the Cooks can make: Sparse, Average, and Lavish. These will require more ingredients to create the meal. Thus making Lavishly sized meals might not be an adequate solution for the long term, but in the short term will provide a significant benefit for your village. Sparse is better than eating Raw food, but it isn’t going to keep your villagers too happy. 

Meals ready to be munched on

 Villagers will get tired of the same Meal recipe repeatedly eaten after some time, which is why the Kitchen needs to change what it is currently making. Different recipes require different food, so you might need to swap around your supply chains and start growing new crops to meet this village's needs.

This is a development blog for Ages of Cataria, and everything is subject to change and isn’t guaranteed in the final release.

The next Dev blog will be posted 3/27

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Ages of Cataria Delayed until Q1 2024
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 10:28:13 AM

Today, we have some unsatisfying news to share.

Unfortunately, we must delay the release of Ages of Cataria until Q1 2024. This was a hard choice, but it was made to ensure that you receive the best quality game. As a new indie game studio, we are still going through growing pains and some parts have taken longer than expected. We are committed to making this project happen no matter what and are so excited to share it with you, it's just going to need some more time cooking. 

We know delays are extremely common in the industry, but it doesn’t make it any easier to say. This game wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for your support; we think about all of you all the time and will never forget the incredible difference you made in this game and our lives. Stick with us, and we won’t disappoint you.

With that said, we plan on updating the community every two weeks going forward. We are making great progress in other areas of the game. Humans are looking great, and we plan on updating the community more regularly as features are completed. We plan on opening beta testing later this year, so please keep an eye out for that in the Discord.

We are committed to creating an amazing gaming experience, and we are so excited to release a quality product that you’re proud to support. See you next update, villagers!

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #4 Scholar Skill
over 1 year ago – Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 12:26:35 AM

It’s time to get edumicated.

The Scholar skill affects all skills. The Scholar skill will determine how fast villagers will grow in their other skills and is the primary skill required for the Research Lab and School buildings.

The Research Lab is a central part of player progression for your town. Research will take resources as well as time. How much time? Time will depend on how many villagers you have researching at once and how high their Scholar skill is.  Researching will unlock new buildings and add-ons!

Temporary Research Lab Model

For buildings to progress, players must research the next level by committing resources to supply the research needed. The resources required will be basic stone and lumber, as well as a third resource that is only produced by the building, such as Fur at the Hunter’s Lodge. The more a player focuses on a particular building, the more resources they will get to research upgrades.

Add-ons will also be unlocked through the Research Lab, which will provide an extra building that players can build to boost particular buildings if they are built in range.

Lots of work to do...

The School is where players can send their villagers to improve a specific skill. This takes adult villagers away from tasks but will improve their work efficiency for the rest of their life. This will be a primary building of interest to children villagers who will start to improve their Scholar skill earlier than their parents got to, improving the future of your village once they grow old enough to work. 

That's it for now! Updates starting next year will be more regular as we complete more aspects of the game.  We are excited to show you more of what we have been working on! Be sure to join our social channels to see any live-streaming events we have coming.

We at Third Pie Studios wish everyone a Happy end of the year. <3

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director