
Ages of Cataria

Created by Third Pie Studios

Ages of Cataria is a village story sim where over real-time your villagers grow, form families, and develop your town. -Experience real-time aging where your villagers live for a month+ -Customize your town and share it with others online -Trade with other real players online -Experience immersive text-based life events that will change your villagers forever -Collect unique creatures from the magical land of Cataria *All purchases will go towards the development and improvement of Ages of Cataria

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Dev Diary #17 🏠Village Buildings Pt.3🏠
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 12:36:47 PM

Hey, Villagers! 

Buildings allow the player to expand their village. Depending on the type, buildings can give players access to new resources, activities, progression rewards, and even new quests.

Each of these has its unique building upgrades and uses around town. Only some towns will want every building, which might be challenging to achieve. If you don’t want to focus on specializing in lumber, you might not have that production building around, and you’ll trade for your lumber needs. Or if you’re a vegetarian town, you won’t have the Hunter’s Lodge.

Focuses allow each building to preform a more specific or totally new function. 

Hunter's Lodge

Hunter's Lodge upgraded

Villagers assigned here will hunt for meat nearby to feed your town. This building relies on the Kitchen to be built to cook the collected meat. Pelts will also be collected for home bed upgrades and new clothing options.

Pelt Tanning 

Spend time collecting and processing the pelts of animals, but will spend less time hunting.

Big Game Hunting

Villagers hunt more dangerous game, leading to higher quantities gathered but increased chance of injuries.


Upgraded Herbalist

At the Herbalist, villagers will go around and forage for berries near the town. They will also be able to shift the building's focus to collect other herbs that can be used in potion-making.


Collect mushrooms nearby instead of berries.

Healer's Hearth

The villager assigned here will act as the town's “healer”. They will use ingredients to produce potions for healing. Some villagers will earn injuries that will slow their movement or work speed. Here, potions can be made to remedy those injuries. Later in the game, potions can be made to slow aging, reverse aging, and boost productivity.

Sanitation Buildings

Drink from here! It's totally safe...unless villagers poop nearby.

The Fountain, Well, and Outhouse will affect your town’s sanitation levels. Without an outhouse, villagers will poo outside, which will decrease sanitation. The Fountain will encourage villagers to wash their hands, and the Well will slowly increase sanitation in nearby homes.

We wrote a whole update about sanitation, so check it out here

In the next update, we will go over recreation buildings and how villagers from other towns will visit yours!

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #16 🏠Village Buildings Pt.2🏠
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 12:29:21 PM

In this update, we will continue discussing the buildings you will see around your village. 


Plants be growing ya'll

Players will choose what veggies are farmed and collected for the recipes your Kitchen is cooking. Your farm can be upgraded by adding apiaries to help with pollination or with other plants to improve growing and keep pests away!


Upgraded Kitchen

Here, Raw food will be turned into tastier meals for your villagers to consume. Depending on the size of the meal, the better the meal will satisfy your villager’s food needs.

Players can choose between two focuses or keep the Kitchen doing its standard tasks.  

Fast Food:  Meals are made faster, but can only make small meals.

Gourmet Meals: +5 to wellness, but use twice the ingredients.

The Kitchen can also be upgraded to have a smokehouse (meat last longer before going bad) or a sanitation station(to improve sanitation score).


Fish for food or for fun

Another unique place to gather food is from the Dock! Here, villagers can be assigned to fish for different-sized fish for food. However, there are two different Focuses players can choose from.

Magnet Fishing: Your villagers fish for scraps/treasure rather than fish.

Sports Fishing: Villagers will catch and release their fish for fun.


Owls love it here

Allows the player to trade resources and animals(non-mythic) with other players and an NPC village and chat with other players.

Next update we will be going over a few more buildings!

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #15 🏠Village Buildings🏠
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 01:47:58 PM

Over the next month, we will review each of the buildings. What are buildings in Ages of Cataria? Buildings allow the player to expand their village. Depending on the type, buildings can give players access to new resources, activities, progression rewards, and even new quests.

Building levels will be unlocked through the Research Lab and require Common and Rare resources.

The current building list is as follows;
Research Lab  | Log Camp | Lumber Yard | Mine | Workshop

Hunter's Lodge  | Owlery | Farm | Kitchen Dock

Herbalist | Healer's Hearth | Well |  Outhouse | Spa 

Fountain | School  | Quarry

Each of these has its unique building upgrades and uses around town. Not every town needs every building, which might be difficult to achieve. If you don’t want to focus on specializing in lumber, you might not have that production building around, and you’ll trade for your lumber needs. Or if you’re a vegetarian town, you won’t have the Hunter’s Lodge.

Later, players will have the option to add Recreational buildings to their town. This can be used by your villagers or encourage villagers from outside your village to visit, such as the Tavern. We will talk more about Recreation Buildings in a future update.

Building Focuses
Resource production buildings will have Focuses the player can choose from that change what a building prioritizes. These focuses make each focus type its unique building. The default focus for each building will be its expected job.

Log Camp 

Upgraded Log Camp

The Log Camp produced lumber for the town to use in construction. Lumber is an essential resource for growing your town. Especially if you’re human, they will require more lumber. A Log Camp can change its focus from solely producing logs to Tree Tapping and will start making rubber for the town. Rubber will be used in building upgrades and potion-making. 

Lumber Yard

Here, villagers will use logs collected from the Log Camp or trade for to create Refined Wood. This is a level 2 resource that will be critical to future upgrades of other town buildings.


Stone is another essential resource. Here villagers will collect the Stone they need to expand their town. The Quarry can change its focus to Gem Dust Collection, which will be used in potion making and research.  


Stone will be sent here to create Refined Stone, a level 2 resource required to upgrade and build mid-game buildings. 


This building will unlock new essential resources: Iron ore, Copper ore, and Gold ore. This building can change its Focus to Salt Mine, and start collecting Salt to be used in cooking to improve food quality. 


Ore will be sent here to be turned into Bars. Before this building, ore couldn’t be used for anything besides research. Bar will be used in end-game construction.

We will continue with more buildings in the next update! What buildings are you most curious about or want to see added?

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With love,
Alex McCord
  CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #14 🦉 Trading and Chatting 🦉
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 03:27:13 PM

You get corn, and YOU get corn, and YOU get corn!🌽 

In Ages of Cataria, you can trade resources and animals with other villages on Cataria. To do this, you must first meet another village. This can happen naturally through your villagers meeting villagers from another town while out on a quest. This will now bring up the option to ignore this other town or create a “connection” if both players choose to. Now that your villages are connected, you can chat and trade with each other. If you have friends in the real world, you wish to connect with. You can enter a friend code to connect to your towns immediately.

Trading happens at your town’s Owlery. You’ll send standard messages through your regular owls and trades with your portal traversing Magic Owls, who make trades instant! 🦉

Basic Owlery

Trading resources is a great way to trade excess resources for needed ones. Some towns might be producing more of a specific type of resource. Let's say you decide to become the Stone Mining Corp, then you’ll probably need some wood. Connect with your local players and trade that stone for wood.

A nice lil trade!

Trading is also a great way to gift other resources. New towns can only take in so much at once, so you can only get some of what you need from just trading, but it can be a nice boost to your production.

A bit shy? No worries, there will be an NPC town you’ll be able to trade with. Here you might not get the best deals, but it might be worth it for anyone for quick access to resources.

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Alex McCord
  CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #13 Elves and Humans
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 01:20:20 PM

Ah, Elves and Humans, are we really that different?

Well, yes, and no.

Your first major choice in Ages of Cataria is choosing your Ancestry. Elves and Humans come from the same lands and have similar goals in Cataria, but they have some interesting differences. One of the first differences is that Humans require more wood, while elves require more stone to create their buildings. This will encourage trade between players of different Ancestry. 

This will also be reflected in how their buildings look. The aesthetic is unique between the two ancestries, and we aim to continue that distinction throughout production. 

Elves will build their buildings differently as well. They don’t use hammers or elbow grease, they will connect to nature, and the building will grow underground and push its way upward. To do this, elves must be present to connect to the ground. For upgrades, the building will grow outward from itself.

Elf procreation will look slightly different with them “planting” their offspring. Once they are ripe, the parents will pluck them, and your elves will have a new family member. Humans will house their offspring inside and take care of them around town.

Elves and Humans will have similar Origin Stories, but they will also have unique stories to their ancestry. Along with this will come specific events that connect to their ancestry and how elves care deeply about nature and humans care deeply for expansion. 

We hope to expand on the Ancestries in Ages of Cataria, and if we add a new one in the future, who would you like to see? What would make them unique? Leave a comment! 

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With love,
Alex McCord
  CEO and Creative Director