
Ages of Cataria

Created by Third Pie Studios

Ages of Cataria is a village story sim where over real-time your villagers grow, form families, and develop your town. -Experience real-time aging where your villagers live for a month+ -Customize your town and share it with others online -Trade with other real players online -Experience immersive text-based life events that will change your villagers forever -Collect unique creatures from the magical land of Cataria *All purchases will go towards the development and improvement of Ages of Cataria

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ages of Cataria Delayed until Q2 2025
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 01:32:35 PM

Hey, Villagers!

We hope you have been well, and we’re excited to start updating you all again. In this first update, we start off with some disheartening news: we must push the release date back and aim to release the game on PC in Q2 2025. We have been working hard on Ages of Cataria, and our main goal is to find funding to expand the team and work full-time.

We have so many people dedicated to this project, the community included. Since our Kickstarter in 2022, we have been working hard to make Ages of Cataria the best version of itself. For that to happen, we have been looking for a publisher to support us in funding the game to completion. Funding will allow us to grow the team, and for those of us already working on it, we will be able to take on more hours, which is of utmost importance to us now as we’ve made great strides in solidifying the game's foundation and need to grow to execute the vision. We will show you this progress next month and continue with monthly blog updates moving forward. 

When we launched our Kickstarter, we were amazed at the support you all showed us, but we always knew we would need outside funding. We have interested parties, and they requested more to be completed before they come onto the project. We hope to have an answer about funding within the next few months. 

What if we don’t get a publisher? We will continue to update the community and look for other ways to fund the game. We love making this game and seeing it coming together, so we want you to get your hands on it as soon as possible! We apologize for the long wait, and we believe it will be worth it.

In the past few months, we’ve worked on: building upgrades, customization, villager conversations, traits, events & quests, death, hunting, cooking, farming, animals, clicking to collect resources, villager pooping mechanics, and so much more, which we will be discussing and showing in future updates. 

Thanks for sticking with us. We can’t wait for you to jump into the world of Cataria. 

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With love,

Alex McCord

CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #21 👪Villager Relationships👪 + Blog Hiatus Until January
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 11:21:01 AM

Hello, Villagers! 

A big part of the village simulation aspect we want to nail down is villager relationships. We want this to feel as authentic as possible while not being super complex for the player to enjoy. The goal is that the player can look at a relationship between two villagers and get a sense of the relationship the two have at a glance.

Once a villager has had ONE interaction with another villager, they have created a relationship with that villager. Their relationship will now have a rating associated with it. This relationship status will move in two directions, either positive or negative, depending on the interactions they have. Their interactions are affected by their personalities and if the other has a conflicting personality type. Opposites can still have a positive relationship, but it isn’t as common.

This scale will go from -10 through +10

Positive Interactions

At TWO positive interactions, the villagers will earn “Friend” status every time they interact with each other and have a positive interaction.

If a villager has FOUR positive interactions with another villager, they will become friends. If they are single adults, they will find the other single adult they’ve had four positive interactions with and form a romantic relationship. These villagers are now paired and want to live with each other, and after a day, they will want a wedding ceremony.

At SIX positive interactions, the villagers will earn “Best Friend” status, and every time they interact with each other, they each get a wellness boost of “Talked to Best Friend +10 (30min).” Their relationship bar cannot move lower than a SIX now.

Negative Interactions 

At TWO negative interactions, the villagers will earn “Jerk” status, and every time they interact with each other and have a positive interaction, they each get a wellness boost of “Talked to jerk -5 (30min)”.

At SIX negative interactions, the villagers will earn “Enemy” status, and every time they interact with each other, they each get a wellness hit of “Talked to Enemy -10 (30min).” Their relationship bar cannot move higher than a SIX now, and they only have negative interactions.


Villager relationships will fluctuate depending on the interactions, events, or connections to other villagers. Players will play some hand in this, depending on the events, but the story will play out regardless of player interaction.

We aim for all of this to add to the player’s experience of seeing a story unfold. Enemies, to best friends. Childhood buddies to marriage. Hating your co-worker. All of these add to your villager’s stories and the town’s story overall.

Blog Hiatus

We will be taking a break from blog updates until January. We have loved updating the community about the game, and we have some serious big updates coming soon. We plan to show you guys some live streams of us playing the game in the coming months, as well as show off some other big additions to the game, but for now, we want to put our heads down the next couple of months and focus on the game so we can show you more before we launch. 

We look forward to seeing you back here in January! 

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #20 🎭 Villager Personalities 🎭
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 01:46:29 PM

Your villager's choices and actions will shape their stories, but their personalities will add flavor to that history. Personalities will make each villager unique and have real-world effects on the villager that you'll be able to see. 

As they age, villagers will gain three personality traits once they reach childhood. These traits will create new choices in text adventures and add skills. 

Some traits have opposites, and a villager cannot have both traits and will only be assigned one. Some examples...

The traits above affect villager stats, but some traits will have the villager act differently. We have traits that will have villagers play instruments, dance, explore, and more.  One such example is...

In real life, our personalities aren't written in stone and can shift and evolve. To simulate this, villagers can choose quests to embark on that will allow them to shift their personality traits.  

There will be loads of personality traits that will range from standard to rare. Regardless of their personalities, they will still be a massive asset to your village, and everyone matters to your village's growth.  

Create a personality trait in the chat and how it could affect the game! We might steal it from you. 

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #19 Villager Wellness
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 11:17:20 AM

Hey, Villagers!

Wellness has been updated a bit, and we'd love to review some of those changes in today's dev diary. 

Villagers will have a Wellness bar representing their current overall status. Wellness is affected throughout the day with Wellness Checks that are Random and Essential. Another factor that affects wellness is Conditions, and they show up as either buffs or debuffs in the form of sickness or potion boosts.

Random checks will happen once a villager interacts with something in the game.  This can be a villager wanting to interact with an animal, building, plant, villager, or anything else in their environment. This won't always affect their day, but it can, and when it does, it will either be a positive or negative effect. 

Essential checks are for important wellness topics such as sleep, food, and sanitation. These will be tracked constantly on the villager wellness page(WIP), and we look forward to showing you this once it's complete!

Conditions are temporary boosts or ailments your villager is going through physically. This can be a sickness, wound, potion, or blessing your villager is receiving. If they aren't receiving anything, then this will be blank.

Once all these factors are added together, we get to the overall wellness bar, which will represent how happy a villager is overall, which affects their performance in any task around town. As long as their Wellness score lands within the range of the bar below, they will be receiving that buff. Bar measures wellness from 0-100.

(image WIP)
Score:              0-20            21-40      41-60         61-80       81-100

Name:            Miserable  |   Sad  |   Content  |   Happy  |   Joyous
Production:      (-70%)        (-30%)      (-0%)      (+30%)      (+70%)

These changes are meant to reflect depth while also adding simplicity so players know what affects a villager's wellness and how they can immediately support their villagers. 

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #18 Seasons
12 months ago – Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 12:37:35 PM

Fall has arrived, and in Cataria it’s Fall once a month. In Ages of Cataria, every week is a new Season. Time passing is a key part of the world, and we really want the player to feel that experience through regularly changing seasons.Each season will present its own unique aesthetic and challenges. Let’s break down each Season.


Decorate your town to match the season

You’ll be able to plant any crop in any season, but during specific Seasons, crops will thrive. Lettuce, Broccoli, Radish, Pumpkins, and Carrots will grow more efficiently in Autumn. Unique animals will also appear, and villager spirits are more likely to visit your town during this Season.


Watch your villagers eat some warm pie on a cold day

All crops will have significant debuff in growing during Winter. This means you’ll want to stock up on resources during other seasons to prepare for Winter. Unique frost-like animals will appear during this season. There have been sightings of some round snowball creatures roaming the woods…


Spring brings loads of new flowers and herbs for the Herbalist to harvest. Most plants have a buff to growth during this season. Plant-based creatures start to appear around your town. Are the mushrooms talking?


We think animals probably prefer the Summer over Winter

Villagers will become dirtier faster due to all the work. Melons, Peppers, and Corn thrive in the Summer heat. 

Each Season will be designed so that the player will have something new to look forward to or, in the case of winter, to prepare for.  We aim to deliver weekly Catarian holiday events that will unlock new cosmetic props for players to use around their town and perhaps unique animals to collect. 

How would you like to see Seasons affect the world?

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director