
Ages of Cataria

Created by Third Pie Studios

Ages of Cataria is a village story sim where over real-time your villagers grow, form families, and develop your town. -Experience real-time aging where your villagers live for a month+ -Customize your town and share it with others online -Trade with other real players online -Experience immersive text-based life events that will change your villagers forever -Collect unique creatures from the magical land of Cataria *All purchases will go towards the development and improvement of Ages of Cataria

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Dev Diary #12 Farming!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 03:35:45 PM

Today’s blog post is all about the veggies. After growing food from your Farms, they will be used in your villagers' meals, but that’s covered in this blog post. For today let’s talk about the Farming skill and the Farm.

A Farmer will continue to manage the Farm throughout the years, planting, growing, and harvesting the food. The yield will be lower if they aren’t there to maintain planted food. The crop yield is determined by the skill of the Farmer and Season since certain food grows better in different seasons.

Players must unlock seeds to start growing new plants by discovering new seeds or trading them with other players!

Make sure you plant a variety of food so you don't bore your villagers!

Only Plant food can be eaten raw, which is what villagers will survive on until food is cooked in the Kitchen, but it will provide a “-5 Eating Raw Food” to Wellness. Villagers will NEVER starve, but if they miss two days' worth of meals, their productivity will be 0% unless it’s food-related production.

Food will eventually expire once harvested from plants, so players must upgrade their food storage to keep food longer. The farm can have multiple crops per lot, and growing different veggies is encouraged so your villagers don’t get bored of eating the same stuff. 

The Farm will be the lifeline of your village, keeping your villagers working and maintaining your supply of ingredients for the Kitchen to make even better quality food for your town. You’ll need to keep your supply of Veggie Ingredients up to maintain your villager food consumption. Slowing down production in the Farm or Kitchen could have rippling effects throughout your village production.

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With love,
Alex McCord
  CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #11 Villager Sanitation
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 05, 2023 at 01:37:09 PM

Seeing stink lines coming from your villagers isn't a good sign. Keeping a clean village is essential for maintaining a productive village. As a player, you must keep track of your villager’s cleanliness through their Sanitation rating. 

Sanitation is broken into five levels to help players keep track of their villagers cleanliness. Every in-game day the villagers will have a chance of getting sick.

  • Deplorable” 90% chance of getting sick - 20 Wellness
  • Dirty” 65% chance of getting sick - 10 Wellness
  • Musty” 50% chance of getting sick
  • Clean” 25% chance of getting sick + 5 Wellness
  • Spotless” 5% chance of getting sick + 10 Wellness

Players must manage their villager's sanitation. As you can see, sanitation will affect their wellness and their chance of getting sick. Sanitation is constantly decreasing, and depending on the building, they work at will decrease faster. If they work in the Mines, it will drop faster than if they are researching. 

Sanitation can only be remedied through Sanitation Buildings


Who wouldn't want to poop here?

Villagers are just like us! Meaning they poop. Who doesn’t poop? However, we usually use a toilet. Unfortunately, your villagers, don’t start with indoor plumbing. You’ll need to build outhouses for them, and until then, they will defecate on the ground, lowering sanitation to those who pass by this stinky situation.

Get rid of that poop lying around! The Outhouse has an area of effect that negatively influences the buildings around it, especially the Well and Kitchen. It can only service so many villagers daily, so you’ll have to meet your town's needs by building enough Outhouses.


Well, Well, Well, look what we have here.

It has an area of effect that, when placed near houses, will cause their occupants’ sanitation score to increase steadily while inside their homes.

If in the red zone (placed next to an outhouse or Mine), sanitation gets massively hit and cannot be overwritten by other sanitation buildings. The mistake must be fixed fast before villager health takes a big hit.


When villagers walk by, they get a small increase in sanitation because they wash their hands. This services an unlimited about of villagers, but only if they cross the path of a fountain.


Villagers will get a massive bonus in sanitation when sent here. This is for your stinkiest villagers and is meant to quickly boost their sanitation if it had taken a big hit.

Getting sick will dramatically hurt your villager's production and, thus, your town overall. Villagers won’t be dying of sickness, but it can halt your town’s production if too many villagers are sick at once.

Be sure to place your building strategically to create synergy in your design! What other sanitation buildings would you want to see in the Ages of Cataria?

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #10 Villager Life Span
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 22, 2023 at 01:18:54 PM

Grow up! No, not you, the villagers of Cataria. Growing up to us happens to everyone every second of the day. It also happens to the villagers in Ages of Cataria! At different stages of our life, we contribute differently to society and have different worldly experiences. We are working to capture this in our villager aging system.

Villager ages will occur in four stages: Infant, Young, Adult, and Elder. Each stage defines a villager's life differently and has unique milestones.  A villager's life will average around 12 real-world days. 

Infant Stage

During the Infant Stage, villagers will contribute nothing to the village besides being cute.

During the Newborn Milestone, the villager will appear swaddled and carried around on one of their parent’s backs.

Baby Milestone Swaddle

Once they hit the Toddler Milestone, a full model will walk around in their home area and won't need constant supervision. 

Young Stage

In this stage, villagers will start contributing more or preparing to contribute through education.

The Child milestone will go around town and is allowed to enter school now and start to educate themselves in a certain skill to boost for adulthood. 

Child Milestone

At the Teenager milestone can start to work at the Dock, Farm, Herbalist, and Barn but only half the amount of time.

Adult Stage

At this stage, villagers can contribute full-time to production and construction around town. They will also start showing their age towards the end of the milestone.

Young Adult, Adult, Mature Adult help the player know what stage of adult life the villager is in. This whole stage will take up the bulk of a villager's life and where they will start forming romantic relationships and families.

Young Adult Model

Elder Stage

Entering the Elder Milestone, the villager will start to show their age, and it's a heads up that the villager will soon pass away. 

Elder Milestone

The final Milestone is becoming a village Senior. After a few days, the villager will pass away and enter your town’s Spirit Tree. 


It’s tragic losing a villager, but village life will move forward because your village has its own needs that won’t wait. However, your villager who passed will continue to support the village by contributing their soul power to the Spirit Tree, unlocking new buildings and upgrades as the Spirit Tree grows. They will also, at times, come back to boost your villager’s moods.

Full-Grown Spirit Tree

What would you like to see from villagers' life stages?

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #9 Origin Stories
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 12:38:55 PM

From the beginning, your town’s story begins with knowing it's Origin. With Origin Stories, you can craft a starting story for your town, answering the question: What brought these villagers to Cataria?

These stories will mostly be flavorful but will have some effect on the village's events, desires, and starting goals. The farther your village advances through time, the less this origin story is referenced.

Ready for a Change of Pace

Certain village members have decided to uproot their lives and head to the new land of Cataria. A group gathers and decides they will travel together to start a new home together in Cataria.

Escaping a Plague

Sickness has spread throughout the land, and everyone is getting sick. Trade has fallen, and the townspeople fear things will never return to normal. Hoping for a better start, a group decides to travel together to escape possible death and start a new and hopefully healthier life in Cataria. 

Shipwrecked Traders

A trading ship is out at sea when pirates attack and board their ship, taking the crew prisoners. A few days later, a major storm hits the ship, tearing it to shreds in the middle of the Caparian Sea. As the storm fades, survivors find themselves washed up on land that they soon realize is Cataria. With no way off, the survivors decide it's time to settle in and prepare shelter.

Desolate Land

Nearby towns have repeatedly overfarmed the land leaving this town with little to collect. Fearing a lack of resources, a few town members decide to head off to Cataria where resources are said to be abundant.

Running from the Law

Running a crime syndicate isn’t easy, and life begins to weigh on the gang. After years of running from the law, they promised each other, “Just one more job”... But after a guard asked one too many questions, the job got messy, and now the gang is wanted for murder. With nowhere to run, they decide to set sail for the new land of Cataria where there is no law.

Leaving Tyranny

Working day and night without breaks take a toll on the villagers around town. They’d stop if it weren’t for their stern governor watching their every move and forcing them to work longer. The consequences for not obeying? Exile. After years of this, a group of villagers accepts exile rather than more brutal work. In Cataria they aim to get far enough away from an overlord of any kind. 

How much would you want origin stories to affect your town?

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director

Dev Diary #8 Lumber and Miner Skill
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 12:53:08 PM

Today we will discuss the Lumber and Miner skills and their associated buildings. While building up your village, you're going to need resources. Most construction resources will require either Stone, Lumber, or Metal of various levels. Villagers with higher Lumber or Miner skills will be most effective at these buildings. 

Lumber Skill

 If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, do you collect the resources?


A villager’s Lumber skill will affect everything related to Wood resources. Wood is an essential resource for your village. It is equal to Stone when it comes to construction needs. The villager will become more efficient and collect/produce wood faster as the skill increases. 

Lumber Yard

Low Level Lumber Yard

Villagers will chop down logs and process them for Lumber at this building. As this building increases in levels, more villagers will be able to work there, and it will increase efficiency.
Lumber Mill
As the village grows, so does its need for newer, more Refined resources. At the Lumber Mill, Villagers will be turning Lumber into Refined Lumber. 

Miner Skill

A villager's Miner skill is used in four different buildings and will be essential to collecting Stones and Metals. 

Stone and Iron Bar


To collect Stone, villagers will utilize their Miner skills at the Quarry building. Here they will create Stone that can be used in construction.


Players will need to construct a Workshop to access the next level of the Stone resource, Refined Stone.


Low level Mine

Here players will get to choose what to mine: Iron, Gold, Copper, or Salt(not a construction resource). These metals will come out as Ore and are only used in research until they are smelted.

At the Smelter, The players will start to turn the Ore they have into Bars that can be used in construction.

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With love,
Alex McCord
 CEO and Creative Director